Jack of all trades, master of one.

Yes, the phrase is "master of none", I know... As it happens "Master of one" is also inaccurate, but it sounded better than "Jack of all* trades, master of two or three."

*I should also caveat this with "mostly Business, IT and infosec (or if you insist, cyber) related"

About Me...?

The problem with an "about" page is that this whole site is about me. That sounds diagnosably narcissistic. except for the fact that it literally is all about me.

I've decided to include a tl;dr version of the site here, perhaps along with stuff that doesn't really live elsewhere. This page is going to remain largely incomplete, and just exist as a bunch of bulletpoints until the site is what I would consider "complete". At which point the banner at the top will be gone, and very likely, so will this text. 

Or maybe not.


Great choice. My Rules of Engagement (that's gonna be a link elsewhere, promise) prevent me from going into too many specifics throughout the rest of the site, so you're really missing very little reading the abridged version.

I'm an IT professional of over 20 years, and a hobbyist of over 25 now. Don't let that fool you, as of the time of writing I'm only 39. (Only, he says...) I've been actively involved with practical cyber security and infosec for 15 years, and have a similar amount of business operations experience in a number of types of organisation.

I enjoy tech, but am increasingly... disenfranchised, shall we say... with hype, trends, gadgets and gimmicks. I'm one fad short of being a broken cynic, to be honest. That being said, I love innovation, new technology and new applications of existing technology. There can be no progress without iteration, but I'd love to see sustainability and longevity of products front and centre, supported by a circular economy focused on recycling and reuse.

I'm a firm supporter of the right to repair and the idea of actual ownership, not licensing a product you purchased. I detest subscription models that unlock physically built-in features (or their software brethren; features that take minimal dev time sitting behind a tiered upgrade), products that require internet access for no reason, and vendor lock-in. I also dislike loot boxes and gamblification of gaming. (Seriously, I can't play anything decent anymore.)

I read, write - seriously, poetry 'n' stuff too - listen to music in fits and spurts, I broadcast, host and entertain. I keep up to date on IT and security stuff, especially the latest news in the industry, I give time to charities in a number of ways, and I occasionally grace the dog with a long walk. I sometimes marathon a whole show or series of movies, but don't spend a lot of time looking for new stuff. These are the only things I can call "hobbies".

I live with my partner, our two kids, a dog and a cat. I've also got a  couple of hedgehogs under the wood shed, but they're not technically ours, I suppose.

I have weaponised ADHD and suffer occasionally with the effects of bipolar disorder; the latter of which is not particular impactful when the former is managed properly.