
I love tech, but am increasingly... disenfranchised, shall we say... with hype, trends, gadgets and gimmicks. I'm one fad short of being a broken cynic, to be honest. That being said, I love innovation, new technology and new applications of existing technology. There can be no progress without iteration, but I'd love to see sustainability and longevity of products front and centre, supported by a circular economy focused on recycling and reuse.

I'm a firm supporter of the right to repair and the idea of actual ownership, not licensing a product you purchased. I detest subscription models that unlock physically built-in features (or their software brethren; features that take minimal dev time sitting behind a tiered upgrade), products that require internet access for no reason, and vendor lock-in. I also dislike loot boxes and gamblification of gaming. (Seriously, I can't play anything decent anymore.)